One popular form of exercise is weight training that offers many physiological benefits. Regular weight training workouts can help to increase strength, improve your bone density enhance your muscle tone and help to strengthen your joints. There are some resistance machines that use weights guided by different rods and some use air pressure which is why air compressor fittings get used often in gyms.
The compressed air resistance machines work on a pressurized hydraulic cylinder that provides the resistance. The cylinders get sealed, so the strength remains quite constant and is supplied air from an air compressor, this allows the resistance to be changed. The different pressure machines have either LCD displays or dials, so you are aware of what resistance is being applied to your muscles. You can use the buttons or dials to decrease or increase pressure within the cylinders to change the resistance.
What are the advantages?
Most types of resistance training equipment are quite heavy, but the ones that require compressors are portable and light. The hydraulic cylinders are smaller and lighter than the weight stack that is used in the other machines. Therefore, the framework that gets used in the manufacturing of hydraulic machines does not need to be heavy or strong. The compressed air gym equipment is the perfect option when floor strength comes into consideration. If your gym is located on the upper floor, for example. The air machines are quiet to use so that they won’t cause a distraction for other users.
Compressed air machines are suitable for a wide range of people, especially fitness enthusiast and those doing beginner exercises. The machines are simple to use, safe and don’t require supervision. The resistance can be changed with the touch of a button and as the user can see how much weight they are using, compressed air gym equipment which is often not as intimidating than using the traditional machines where it becomes more apparent just how much weight you are lifting.
Physiological Benefits
Most traditional resistance machines start an exercise from a dead stop. Getting your weight and moving it from a dead stop requires physics and acceleration. In exercise, overcoming that art of inertia places with the rapid and dramatic load on your muscles. Your joints, muscles and tendons at this point are most at risk of an injury. As you are not lifting weight when you are using air compressor equipment, there is no corresponding moment for the inertia to overcome, so there is more potential for injury.
Hydraulic exercise equipment is suitable if you have joint problems or muscle troubles when compared with the other forms of resistance training. Without air compressor services, in gyms, this type of exercise equipment would not be available, so it just shows how important they are in the world of fitness and exercise.
The modern air compressors are quiet and don’t offer any distraction to the other users of the gym. Therefore, everyone can enjoy the equipment at the gym and follow on with their routine without the worry of being interrupted by loud and startling air compressor noises.
Now you have more reasons to get out and get active and give those muscles a good workout.